Build Interest and Conversions By Mixing On-Site Video with Targeted Email Marketing
It is getting harder and harder to keep up with all of the Google SEO trends, but that is not to say that it is more difficult to convert visitors that do end up at your site. In fact, it is getting easier. The art of conversion has developed into an almost scientific process with new tools being added every year that make the whole job even easier.
As far as small business SEO goes, it should be left in the hands of a professional company that can get the job done quickly and affordably. A small business owner simply doesn’t have the time to commit to this type of project and needs to hire it out.
Website conversions can also be increased by using a business that specializes in this field. There are three things that any website has to do. It needs to keep customers on the site for as long as possible, convince visitors that the service or product offered is something they should buy, and finally offer reasons why their emotional decision to buy is correct. Once this is put into effect there will be more sales.
The best way to increase conversions on site is to use on-site videos along with targeted email marketing. Videos help to keep visitors on the site while email marketing can continue the conversations after the visitors have left.
There are a lot of visitors that will come to your website and won’t buy anything right away. A lot of people need time to think about a purchase, and if you don’t stay in touch with them you will lose the sale. By offering something for free now, and then following up with them through emails later, you’ll be able to catch these future sales.
Sometimes this can happen in a few days, sometimes months and in extreme cases it may take years before a customer ever decides to buy something from you. This is fine, however, because as you build up your base of subscribers your sales will increase regularly.
There is no better way to increase your bottom dollar than by using on-site videos along with email marketing. These two tools have proven themselves beyond doubt to be long-term moneymakers for any business.

My website SEO had been in bad shape for a while, so I employed SEO 911 to turn things around, and they were great and making my business relevant on Google again – including some great edits to the website to increase customer conversions. It was great to work with honest marketing company- MAtthew Davitoto, Marketing manager

As a small business with a specific target market, SEO 911 provided invaluable assistance in both setting up our website and increasing awareness of it. In short time, our website rocketed up the google rankings leaving many more established and larger programs trailing well behind. With roughly 75% of our ticket sales now completed directly through our website, SEO Maverick has succeeded in making our business more visible AND more profitable.- Rob Flint

I am very happy with the service I received from SEO 911. Brett was able to understand exactly what I needed to do with my website to get it higher up on the search engines and the work was done fast and without any fuss. The service was excellent and communication friendly. Any technical issues I had were solved quickly. A good service all round at a reasonable price.- Director, Digital Marketing