A Three Step Plan to First Page Placement

First page placement isn’t some lofty goal that you should hold yourself to attaining ‘someday’ — though for many a novice webmaster, it certainly seems that way. Rather, first page placement is something that can and should be obtained immediately and held onto through a variety of different methods as time goes by.

Step one: Pay Per Click advertising
Pay per click (PPC) advertising can sound like a very scary investment for anyone not talented in the arena. Indeed, thousands of webmasters who have done solo into the realm of PPC have lost everything — but the smart ones who hire a good PPC management team have found that the profits to be gained from the instant ‘sponsored’ placement it provides more than make up for the cost.

PPC gets you onto the first page on day one — and yes, it costs money to get there, but the money you make when you have a PPC manager working the game for you is more than it costs to pay the manager and the bid costs.

Step two: Indirect Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization takes some significant amount of time to kick in, so it can’t do what PPC does for you. The first result of your Search Engine Optimization will be that pages that aren’t actually yours will rank for certain keywords. For example, it’s not uncommon for an article that you turn in to EzineArticles to rank higher for your chosen keyword than your own page does at first. You’ll still get considerable traffic and sales from these indirect rankings, but it’s only the beginning.

Step three: Direct Search Engine Optimization
Give it six or twelve months, and you’ll find that your SEO starts to pull in a lot of organic traffic, because YOUR page is achieving first page placements for a variety of your keywords. Even while you’re exploiting the benefits of PPC, you’ll feel the power of the SEO adding more and more to your business over time. Eventually, you’ll reach a point where your business comes more from your SEO efforts than it does from your PPC campaign.
