Why You Should Link Your Blog Posting to Facebook, Twitter, and More

Social networking — a lot of people are under the mistaken impression that it’s something primarily engaged in by seventeen year old girls on iPads. Just recently, however, a startling study revealed that the primary ‘customer’ of the social networking phenomenon is a mid-30s white middle-class white-collar worker. So what does that mean for your business?

Simple — it means that if you intend to appeal at all to the largest demographic in America, you should be involved in social networking. Fortunately, it’s easy — almost every single blogging engine out there offers social networking widgets that make it a snap to set up buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Delicious, and lately Google Plus. You should use them. Every website, every blog posting, every piece of content you have your article writing and distribution team create should have social networking buttons featured prominently and above the fold.

In a lot of cases, it’s even automatic — if you post an article to EZineArticles.com, for example, your social buttons are front and center. If you need to have your blog hand-built by an expert in custom blog creation to make the social media buttons made equally clear and ubiquitous, do it. The reason why is simple: people love to share their opinion on stuff.

As long as your stuff really is good, their opinions should generally be positive — and that means your social media pages become like giant referrals. Other people searching for your business will see that you have twelve thousands Likes or what have you, and they’ll understand that that means you have a quality product.

All of this is particularly relevant to blog postings, because your business blog is the one place that your words and your brand are eternally and explicitly linked. Every blog post you make acts as a potential landing page for people who are being exposed to your brand for the first time, and if they like what they see, they’re likely to click that Like button before they do much else.

That’s a powerful step toward building a social following, which is on it’s way to becoming one of the most vital parts of modern marketing.
