What You Should Look For In an Affordable SEO Company
When you are selecting an affordable SEO company then there are some things that you need to look for so that you get the most for what you pay for. A company that has a competitive price should also be able to properly document the websites SEO and how everything they are doing is working.
SEO Statistics
The main area that SEO can be measured by is by using statistics. When you have baseline information and start to introduce changes designed to make your site more visible you can track how the changes are reflected on the visitors to your site. You can also track the sales back you are converting from the search engines and pay per click adds that you might be using. This lets you both know that a campaign is working and to put a dollar value on acquisition costs for each sale made.
SEO Reports
Many affordable SEO companies will put together an SEO report that will check through all parts of your website including:
- HTML code problems
- Meta tag problems
- Incompatible areas not checked by search engine crawlers
- Current ranking for the site and pages and how to improve them
- An overall plan to increase website ranking and visibility to the target audience
This clearly shows areas that need work and how the company will improve them. Each website is different and each solution needs to take into account the good and bad areas. One website might benefit from adding content via a blog and introducing a social media presence other websites require extensive coding changes to make good content properly accessible. Identifying individual problems and building tailored solution is the key to spend money on SEO wisely.
SEO Techniques
One of the ways that an affordable SEO company can improve your website but keep costs down is to reuse and improve existing content. Ensuring all links are working correctly and visible to search engines is a low cost and effective technique. Checking back links can weed out bad or non performing links that may be bring down page ranking. The final area is keyword density in content it is very simple to modify existing content to have proper keyword density. In many cases it is not the case that keywords are not abundant enough but they are over used and by editing them SEO are improved.

My website SEO had been in bad shape for a while, so I employed SEO 911 to turn things around, and they were great and making my business relevant on Google again – including some great edits to the website to increase customer conversions. It was great to work with honest marketing company- MAtthew Davitoto, Marketing manager

As a small business with a specific target market, SEO 911 provided invaluable assistance in both setting up our website and increasing awareness of it. In short time, our website rocketed up the google rankings leaving many more established and larger programs trailing well behind. With roughly 75% of our ticket sales now completed directly through our website, SEO Maverick has succeeded in making our business more visible AND more profitable.- Rob Flint

I am very happy with the service I received from SEO 911. Brett was able to understand exactly what I needed to do with my website to get it higher up on the search engines and the work was done fast and without any fuss. The service was excellent and communication friendly. Any technical issues I had were solved quickly. A good service all round at a reasonable price.- Director, Digital Marketing