The key to success in any kind of marketing is to find the prospects who are interested in your product or service. There are a variety of different ways to separate those qualified prospects from the massive number of users that are on the internet every day. Opt in emails are one of them. When internet users opt in to a newsletter or express their interest in a specific area they are helping to create a targeted list that we at SEO 911 can use to promote what you have to offer.

The lists that we use for our email campaigns are 100% legitimate and your message can be sent spam free to as many potential prospects as you like. Some internet marketing companies will offer to send thousands of emails for ridiculously low prices. We guarantee results when we send out emails. That’s why we buy only the very best opt in lists we can find. Our goal as a company is to make sure that our clients get the maximum return for what they pay out.

The targeted opt in email campaigns that we do for our clients come with specific guarantees. You tell us how many emails you want opened and read and we will send out as many as we need to make sure we hit that number. We use an independent third party tracking tool to measure the responses so you can see for yourself that our opt in email campaigns work. We’re so confident in our opt in email campaigns that we start our guaranteed email campaigns with guarantees of anywhere from 25,000 to over 250,000 emails read.

Targeted marketing produces qualified leads that will convert into real dollars for your company. No matter what you do for internet marketing you’ll be paying by the prospect so its’ important that you use the methods that will get the word out about your product or service to those who actually want to buy it. The prospects on an opt in email list have already expressed that interest so it makes sense to reach out to them as often as possible to turn them into regular customers.

We can promote your website, advertise your products, announce a sale using our opt in email lists, or we can create a campaign where we can build an opt in list specifically for your company. Custom blogs and newsletters are great ways to get prospects to enter their email address and request additional information. That opens a door for SEO 911 to stay in contact with them and make sure that eventually they start buying what you’re selling. We’ve been doing it for over a decade now and we know just how to present your company, who to present it to, and how to follow up with those who are interested in you.


Our Services


A 2008 study by The Kelsey Group, an independent Princeton, New Jersey research firm, found that

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Many Organic SEO companies will tell you not to use PPC at all because it's expensive and not as

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The key to success in any kind of marketing is to find the prospects who are interested in your

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Attaining a first page ranking with a major search engine is as close to a full proof guarantee of

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A Forrester study came to a conclusion that A video is worth 1.8 million words, Dr. James McQuivey.

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Say what you want to say about your company with a custom blog we will create just for you. Express

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SEO911 is a fully inclusive online marketing service provider. All our services revolve around

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We boast of an unbeaten track record in the field of web design and web development services.

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We Create a Mobile Website Quickly For Your Business! Which mobile website would you rather read

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Search Engine Optimization

By definition, SEO is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by

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Site and Competition Analysis

In order to maximize your benefits from using an SEO service, an accurate baseline of your website

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Interactive Web Design

Interaction is the essence of all user experiences. It is the conversation between your product and

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Response Design

A response web design or RWD is one of the best types of architectural setups available for a

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Mobile Optimization

In March 2015, Forbes published an article announcing that as of April 21st Google will begin using

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Mobile Apps

Having a mobile friendly version of your website is more important than ever. Its increased

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Reputation Management

You built your business from the ground up and have been working tirelessly to grow the company and

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