So what is responsive website design?
Responsive web design is the creation of a website format that reads not only by desktop devices, but also mobile devices of varying sizes. Basically if a website ever seems to some degree not to be functioning when you use your mobile it’s a sign of limited responsive design features.
The first and perhaps most fundamental element of responsive website design is using software which re-frames your content and sets it to be dynamic in response to different screen sizes. This can involve many different methods but basically most break your webpage into large pixels and try out different ways to set their appearance given different device types which is why many websites appear differently when used on mobile or desktop.
Your website needs each page to be laid out so that the whole page can be seen even on a tiny screen. If the user needs to scroll left and right as well as up and down to read an article or view a product then they’ll likely tire and move on elsewhere.
The next most important thing when designing a responsive website is that it needs to be fast. One very basic way of re-designing for mobile includes stripping a website back, too much media can really slow down a webpage, and might not have the same effect on a small screen.
Next your responsive web design needs to be usable with finger and thumb. This means using larger menu icons, and generally relying on clicking less. Scrolling might be favorable over clicking between pages, and icons of buttons might be easier than small menu tabs or drop down menus.
There are many more advanced ways you can improve the responsiveness of your mobile web design, but these are q few great places to start. Remember running a website means constantly checking, revising, and implementing new techniques.

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