Forum Posting: The 4 Do Rules

Forum posting takes some special considerations so that you can advertise your business without being sales like. There are four rules to follow when it comes to forum posting.

Rule1: Search Forums for proper Interest

You need to find forums that are going to want the products or services you sell. If you have pet supplies then you want a pet forum. It is important that any forum you choose has like interests so that you are not considered a spammer.

Rule2: Post an Introduction

Post an introduction about yourself when you sign up for the forums that are of interest to you and apply to what your business is about. When you post the introduction do not mention your website URL or products. Simply tell the readers why you joined the forum, what you do for a living, and start a conversation.

Rule3: Converse for more than a month

You will want to post regularly when you have something to say. You should not start off posting about your website. Instead, you might have found something cool to post about from another’s forum posting. You might have come across a cool picture that you want to share. You must share and become an authority on what you sell.

Rule 4: Discreetly add your URL

Once you have built up an audience and provide real content in the forum, you can start to add your personal details to the post. For example you might be talking about a Pin you saw. At the end you might say for more information check out this URL. It has to relate.


