Custom Blog Creation as a means to pull in traffic
We’ve spoken recently about how companies can use blogs to pull in traffic, and to help the business rank higher on search engines too. But why is blogging so effective, and how exactly does it lead to more traffic for your website?
There are many reasons why blogs have such a powerful magnetism for traffic, though the most general reasons that they work so well are pretty simple to explain. The first way is a well known rule in sales, and basically means the more people you approach to make a sale, the more sales you’ll make. It’s true that you’ll have more rejection too, since the rate of rejection is higher than success, but all you need to care about is those successes slowly racking up. And this is a little bit like how blogging works.
If you run a busy website and over a 3 or 4 year period you write 500 blog posts, you can guarantee that not one of your customers of viewers is going to read every single one of them. In fact most of them will go totally ignored, in fact your customers might not even check your blog. However your blog posts will still come up on Google, and the more you have, the more chances you have that someone searching on your subject will arrive on your page.
If they do, and appreciate your content then you have a new potential customer, if not, you still get a spike in your traffic coming in to your website, and this is good. The more consistent traffic your site pulls in, the higher it will list on search results, thus bringing in more traffic, and so on.
The reason all of this happens over a blog is to separate it from the main, more specific pages of your website. If all of your blog ramblings were on one page then few viewers would stay for long to look around, custom blog creation fulfils your needs and gets the job nicely though.

My website SEO had been in bad shape for a while, so I employed SEO 911 to turn things around, and they were great and making my business relevant on Google again – including some great edits to the website to increase customer conversions. It was great to work with honest marketing company- MAtthew Davitoto, Marketing manager

As a small business with a specific target market, SEO 911 provided invaluable assistance in both setting up our website and increasing awareness of it. In short time, our website rocketed up the google rankings leaving many more established and larger programs trailing well behind. With roughly 75% of our ticket sales now completed directly through our website, SEO Maverick has succeeded in making our business more visible AND more profitable.- Rob Flint

I am very happy with the service I received from SEO 911. Brett was able to understand exactly what I needed to do with my website to get it higher up on the search engines and the work was done fast and without any fuss. The service was excellent and communication friendly. Any technical issues I had were solved quickly. A good service all round at a reasonable price.- Director, Digital Marketing