Say what you want to say about your company with a custom blog we will create just for you. Express your own personality in a personal forum or allow us to populate your blog with content that will be keyword rich and interesting to read. If properly maintained, a custom blog can drive traffic, help you attain a higher search engine rank, and give your customers and clients something interesting to read every day, a reason to come back to your website over and over again.
For your ease of use we create our custom blogs using WordPress. WordPress has a user-friendly interface where you can post content of your own or edit content that we post for you. We can create static pages to function as a website around your blog and WordPress provides all of the tracking tools you need to see where your incoming traffic is coming from. It also gives you automatic access to worldwide blogging communities.
Our custom blogs come in a variety of different themes and with a selection of widgets that will allow you to choose what goes in each of your sidebars. We create a unique look for each of our clients that suit your personality and project the message that you want to send to your customers and clients. Your blog is a way for you to communicate directly with your customers in a loose and uninhibited fashion that will put a human face on your company.
WordPress also provides links to all of the major social bookmarking sites. When we design your blog we’ll choose which of these will be displayed as icons at the bottom of the page and we’ll bookmark postings and pages for you to expand your readership. Some of these sites are industry specific, some are technical, and some are general high traffic social networks like Facebook. Your blog is a great way to tap into the over two hundred million users that go to social networks every month.
Custom blogs are a valuable tool in Organic SEO because each posting has a unique URL. Those URL’s can be posted as links on other sites and each will be valued independently when Google spiders and other search engine technologies register them. Blog postings are also considered text links so they carry more weight with the algorithms used to calculate page rank.
An interesting and informative blog will keep your customers coming back for visits on a daily basis. Our blogs also have an easy to use RSS feed that your fans can use to get automatic updates when you post them. You can use a blog to express your thoughts, promote your ideas, or announce new products and services. Each post will reach multiple users and deepen your site with additional content that the search engines will register and credit to your overall quality score.